Sometimes it's easy to forget how exhausting backpacking can be. 24 hour bus rides, hours of walking round cities, nights of endless partying, living off a backpack - going up and down hills with an 18kg backpack:-) At some point your body reminds you that you are only human. I woke up at 4pm on my second day in Buenos Aires. No shame whatsoever. I found something to eat and wondered what to do with all my new-found energy.
I made some friends at the hostel and we decided to go out clubbing. Every night the hostel had vouchers for different clubs. On this particular day, the deal was a discount offer at a club close to the hostel that would be playing hiphop, dubstep, electro etc. The best thing about Buenos Aires was that no one gets to the club before 2am. As such you can never run late. We first went to a place close to the hostel for some food and drinks. Hours later we walked to the club (yes, walked - it was that close and that safe.) In the club our tickets let us get quite a few free shots. We danced and danced. At some point everyone else decided they were tired and wanted to go back to the hostel. I was not the least bit exhausted (having woken up at 4pm:-) Left alone, I somehow made my way into VIP where I made some new friends - two Argentinian girls. We had a few drinks and off we went to another club. At 6am we were still partying hard and the girls said we should go to yet another club. By this point I was not in any state to be club hopping. I hopped into a cab to get to my hostel. The cab guy got on my nerves and I was yelling at him in my minimal Spanish. He knew I was a foreigner and was trying to rip me off. I knew we were 2-3 blocks away from my hostel, but he kept on driving round and round in circles to charge me more. He only took me back to my hostel when I threatened to get out and not pay a cent. Note to self: Cab guys will generally try to rip off tourists....I stumbled into my hostel, quietly tried to tiptoe past the 5 other people sleeping in my room and get to the bathroom - to take my lenses off and brush my teeth. I have a suspicion my tiptoe-ing was more like an elephant stumbling through the room. In the bathroom, I took my lenses off at the sink - then the strangest thing happened - the shower curtain grabbed me - from out of nowhere - it just grabbed me - I felt my feet give way and I landed butt first into the little shower behind me with my hands trying to grab the sink to hold my balance.
Of course I was mortified the next morning when I woke up and was asked by one of my roomies if I was fine after falling in the shower in the morning as I was brushing my teeth in the sink. Of course I was mortified. Who would not be if a shower curtain had sabotaged your morning by trying to make you look like a drunk fool who falls in a shower as they are brushing their teeth in the sink.. Malicious curtain!